ExperimentType DNA FISH

   March 28th, 2019 at 3:16pm


Experiment Category 
Assay Classification 
Fluorescence Localization
Experimental Purpose 
Fixed Sample DNA Localization
Raw Files Available 

Assay Description


DNA FISH is a method to detect the position of specific DNA regions in the cell through fluorescent labeling. It can be used to measure the 3D distances between multiple genomic loci. Additionally, it is often used to corroborate the findings of chromosome capture techniques (3C).

The protocol involves fixing and permeabilizing the cells. Then, the DNA is slightly denatured to allow the binding of fluorescently labeled probes to the region of interest (hybridization). After the hybridization is performed, unbound and partially unbound probes are removed. The target loci are then visualized using fluorescent microscopy. Analysis of the resulting images provides the physical localization of the target genomic regions in the cell.