Do I need an account to download files?
File download from the 4DN data portal now requires authentication, even if the file is public. Accounts can be created by anyone, including those not part of the 4DN Network. Use your Github or Google account, or create a new one as explained in the Account Creation User Guide.
How do I download files?
To download a single file, login (if you haven't already), go to the File page and click the Download button. The file will start downloading immediately.
To download many files (bulk download), select and filter the file(s) from either the browse Experiment Sets page, the search Files page, or from the page of an Experiment Set containing the desired files. Then click on the Download button to generate a metadata.tsv file with download URLs for the selected files. These can be downloaded from the command line using cURL (include your access key, as explained here).
Can I use unpublished 4DN data sets in my publication?
Unpublished data sets are generated by the 4DN Network and made freely available to the scientific community. If you are intending to use these data for a publication, we ask that you please contact the data generating lab to discuss possible coordinated publication. In your manuscript, please cite the 4DN White Paper (doi:10.1038/nature23884) and the 4DN Data Portal paper (doi:10.1101/2021.10.14.464435), and acknowledge the 4DN lab which generated the data. Please direct any questions to the Data Coordination and Integration Center at
Should I cite the 4DN data portal if I use it in my research?
If you have used the 4DN data portal or datasets obtained from us during your research, we urge you to cite us in your published work.
Reiff, S.B., et al. (2021) The 4D Nucleome Data Portal: a resource for searching and visualizing curated nucleomics data. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.10.14.464435