February 14th, 2020 at 2:57pm
The highly dynamic nature of chromosome conformation and three-dimensional (3D) genome organization leads to cell-to-cell variability in chromatin interactions within a cell population, even if the cells of the population appear to be functionally homogeneous. Hence, although Hi-C is a powerful tool for mapping 3D genome organization, this heterogeneity of chromosome higher order structure among individual cells limits the interpretive power of population based bulk Hi-C assays. Moreover, single-cell studies have the potential to enable the identification and characterization of rare cell populations or cell subtypes in a heterogeneous population. However, it may require surveying relatively large numbers of single cells to achieve statistically meaningful observations in single-cell studies. By applying combinatorial cellular indexing to chromosome conformation capture, we developed single-cell combinatorial indexed Hi-C (sci-Hi-C), a high throughput method that enables mapping chromatin interactomes in large number of single cells. We demonstrated the use of sci-Hi-C data to separate cells by karytoypic and cell-cycle state differences and to identify cellular variability in mammalian chromosomal conformation. Here, we provide a detailed description of method design and step-by-step working protocols for sci-Hi-C.
Ramani V • Deng X • Qiu R • Lee C • Disteche CM • Noble WS • Shendure J • Duan Z
Methods (San Diego, Calif.)
January 1st, 2020